Solar Panel 260 Watts Yingli YL260P-29b Yingli

Solar panel 260 watts yingli
Solar Panel

Product Description

Solar Panel 260 Watts Yingli

260 Watt Yingli solar panel

The panel is capable of charging 130 amps, two 65 amps per sunny day, according to the following specifications, as well as having a 24-volt capacity.

size : 99 in 164 cm

  • open- circuit voltage 37.9
  • rated voltage 30.7
  • open circuit current 9.27
  • rated current 8.49

Note that one of the important factors for the best performance of solar panels for them, which are generally to the south, is their angle to the horizon, which varies between 30 to 45 degrees depending on the summer or winter season, and the angle between the 38 is better. It is also important to clean the panels. It is necessary to clean them a few days at a time, with at least a simple wipes.

It should be noted that in this model panels should be used batteries in pairs,  24 V.